Agha Khan Hospital

Agha Khan University Hospital is giving the best medical treatment in the country in terms of comprehensive treatment for all kind of ailments and conditions.

The hospital is enabling the poor to get access to quality treatment while giving them financial assistance. This is achieved by coming up with a pool of funds for the welfare of the needy patients.These funds are collected from the income of the endowments and donors who give endowments. This is where Abdullah Foundation comes in. The Foundation has been with AKUH since 2001, contributing its share in the collective pool of funds that the hospital brings together to help those in need of financial assistance. Other funds are collected from annual fund raising, Zakat and lastly the hospital gives from its own revenue. 65 % of the funds come from the hospital revenue and 35% from the other three mentioned sources. Therefore Agha Khan University Hospital is earning and giving back to the community as well. In a year the number of patients that Agha Khan University assists financially on an average is around three hundred and fifty thousand. The amount that they generate to provide financial assistance approximately ranges from 10 to 12 million dollars a year. The hospital has earned a credible name in the country not only for providing financial assistance to the needy but also for giving quality care with its state of the art treatment and world class services.  


One such center that is providing outstanding services is AKUH’S Ibn Zuhr Building for Oncology Services. It is a 34 bed day care state-of the-art oncology center offering a wide range of facilities. The center provides all kind of services to carry out all procedures for cancer patients that can be done in a few hours. The competent staff at the center tries to accommodate as many patients as they possibly can. As a result over a period of time inpatient volumes have decreased which enables the staff to take care of more sick patients. The center has a separate children specific area and private rooms as well. Medical officers also run clinics here. First floor of the center has 15 rooms and the clinics are run here. Five to six clinics per shift are divided in mornings, afternoons and evenings. These clinics deal with ailments and conditions other than oncology as well. The agenda of the center is to facilitate the patient as much as can be possibly done. A patient who comes here can find help from breast surgeons, oncologist, radiologist therapists and dieticians. The procedures available at the daycare are not limited to chemotherapy only. The facility is doing a commendable job, treating up to 70 patients who are admitted to the day care every day. Counting the number of walk-in patients as well, the figure of total patients being treated here on a daily basis goes up to an impressive number of 90. The ground floor of the center has the radiation department, laboratory, pharmacy, financial counselors, and admissions offices.STAT laboratory tests are available to immediately manage medical emergencies. These tests are done within minutes and patients do not have to go to labs for reports etc. While the patients wait for the doctor lab work is taken care of in an efficient manner. The radiation area is also on the ground floor. It has been designed keeping all the precautions in mind. The walls are thick and radiation protected, this area sees around 85 patients daily. The radiation department here is the only one that is doing interstation and pediatric radiation under GA within Pakistan. The facility has a separate simulation area, where the area that needs radiation is marked. The treatment planning area is where the experts plan the radiation process after simulation. Here a team of medical experts plan how to carry out the radiation process. The aim is to provide focused radiation and treatment with minimum exposure. Patient goes through the complete process under one roof. Then there are weekly follow ups for which patients are not charged.  


The facility also boasts of having a sophisticated PET CT Scanner in which one of the contributions was Abdullah Foundation in AKUH. Cyclotron was also added on because to run PET CT continuously and efficiently a cyclotron is required. AKUH is the facility to have first of its kind PET CT scanner which has the largest bore which is 90 cm , usually it is 70 cm. This makes it more patient friendly. The resolution time is also less which lowers radiation exposure so good quality images can be acquired with minimum radiation. At the end of the day the patient gets a good quality scan with minimum radiation exposure. This center is doing a praiseworthy job and Abdullah Foundation wants to help them take their mission forward so that maximum lives are able to benefit from their services.  


From time to time Abdullah Foundation has been helping AKUH through different means and eased the financial burden of the hospital by donating different hospital and medical equipment. When the need was felt for more beds, Abdullah Foundation obliged and benefited the Agha Khan University Hospital by providing 5 more beds in March 2001. These were awarded by Mian Mohammad Abdullah and family. These valuable contributions by Abdullah Foundation are held in high esteem by the hospital. It is the help of these donors that keeps the morale of the patients and the care-givers high and keeps the hospital running more efficiently.